Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I dont have a good title but I need to type one so there it is! and People at the Gym (part 4)

Today's run: 4 miles on treadmill at the gym.  First 2 miles went by so slow I thought I had done 5..but no just 2....crap must stay on longer....I was not tired or anything just bored.   Luckily I found some free entertainment from the people at the gym.  I got 2 good ones today.  Sometimes I think someone should do a sitcom called people at the gym ..I bet most gym in southern California offer good entertainment...

The treadmills are all upstairs and when I run I look at all the people downstairs using the equipments.  This morning in come a gal who probably goes to the same surgeon as Pam Anderson... OK you have an image in your head.  She also probably shop at the same stores.  Clearer image.  So she walked in and of course all the dudes turned their heads...all age groups represented for this task :).  One of my friend told me about this gal but that was the first time I saw her...anyway one guy made an extra effort in the attention giving and he walked into a machine...for real...his poor nose took most of the impact... bleeding and all.   I thought it was hilarious (I know I am a bad person)...the girl saw it and just kept walking by...he did not even get a bit of sympathy!

In the morning there's a lot of older people at the gym.  I became friends with some and I love listening to their stories.  Today there was a woman dressed all in pink, I was told she is in her mid 80s, she was in the middle of the floor where all the machines are and she had headphones on and she was dancing..looked like samba to me but I am no dance expert.  She looked like she was having the time of her life, not a care in the world.  I thought she was great!  I could never do that, I'd be way too concerned with what people would think.  Maybe when I am 80 I'll have the guts to do something like that! :)


KovasP said...

People at the Gym, that does sound like a great sitcom. I'm headed for many treadmill miles any day now.

Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

Thanks for checking out my blog! I will be following yours!

Caroline said...

Thank you!