Bonjour from Quebec!
The sun is here! finally!
went for 4 miles this morning, after skipping more days then I usually skipped, did not feel GREAT but OK.
Hard to breath, allergies are pretty bad..
I have a GARMIN question
I am not able to upload my runs from here.
When I turned my GARMIN on today it was still showing the data from my last run instead of starting at ZERO.
How do I start each run at Zero mile without transfering the data after each run?
I left my instruction book at home so if you can help that would be great!
Trying to upload pics but I am using a computer that is almost as ancient as I am!!!!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
We are in Quebec!!!
We arrived in Quebec on Thursday night.
It was a long day of traveling with the kids.
We landed at 10:30 pm....with one baggage MISSING.
Not that it is ok to have some missing but of the 2 we had this one was the worst to have missing. It had all the kids stuff. All my running gear. And all my meds.
We were told it might be on the next flight coming from Chicago, on Friday afternoon.
So yesterday afternoon we went back to the airport.
Still no baggage.
We called the airlines 4 times, nobody could tell us anything.
This was very frustrating. Finally at 11:30 pm last night after everyone went to bed the airport called: "we have your bag!"
I got up and went to get it at midnight!!
What a bad start to our vacation.
But now all is OK. It is cold and raining here but I went for a run anyway.
I have had the worst back pain since being on the planes and no running always causes me to get back pain.
I convinced one of my best friend to run the 10k with me next week! So I may have to forget about the under an hour goal. She has not prepared for this and she has not been running over the winter so she said she will be having a hard time. I dont think I will leave her behind unless she walks.
We will see!!!
Saw my brother and his family today. It was nice and way too short.
Breakfast with them tomorrow and then that`s it they go back to Ottawa.
I will be sad when they leave. It is the hardest part of these visits, saying goodbye.
I don`t acess internet often so I am sorry if I cannot comment much on your blogs this week!
It was a long day of traveling with the kids.
We landed at 10:30 pm....with one baggage MISSING.
Not that it is ok to have some missing but of the 2 we had this one was the worst to have missing. It had all the kids stuff. All my running gear. And all my meds.
We were told it might be on the next flight coming from Chicago, on Friday afternoon.
So yesterday afternoon we went back to the airport.
Still no baggage.
We called the airlines 4 times, nobody could tell us anything.
This was very frustrating. Finally at 11:30 pm last night after everyone went to bed the airport called: "we have your bag!"
I got up and went to get it at midnight!!
What a bad start to our vacation.
But now all is OK. It is cold and raining here but I went for a run anyway.
I have had the worst back pain since being on the planes and no running always causes me to get back pain.
I convinced one of my best friend to run the 10k with me next week! So I may have to forget about the under an hour goal. She has not prepared for this and she has not been running over the winter so she said she will be having a hard time. I dont think I will leave her behind unless she walks.
We will see!!!
Saw my brother and his family today. It was nice and way too short.
Breakfast with them tomorrow and then that`s it they go back to Ottawa.
I will be sad when they leave. It is the hardest part of these visits, saying goodbye.
I don`t acess internet often so I am sorry if I cannot comment much on your blogs this week!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Last day of school and One more "night night"
Last Day of School today! When I was young I used to hate the last day of school. I would always get so sad. My boys not so much!!! Jonathan is feeling better, thank God and he was able to go to his last day of Pre-School. He was happy to leave and me, well, I cried.
Will got his last report card. It could not be better. If it was it would mean he is perfect and he's not. He got the highest marks for everything except: Visual Arts, Penmanship and controlling talking!!!
I ran today!!! Finally after 2 days of not being able to run. Just 4 miles but at least I got to go! Tomorrow will be rest because I will be travelling. I am not having the best week as far as running goes, mommy duties had to come first with one kid sick at home.
Today Bill turns....EMZ you will like this number: 44!!!
We will celebrate in Quebec with my family, my brother's bday was on the 15th so for the first time we can have double birthdays celebration!
I will try to post from Quebec of course. Yes people, we do have the Internet there. I am sorry if I am not commenting a lot for the next 12 days. I plan on running as usual, I even have a 10k race while I am there!
I am done packing, tomorrow will be a looooooong day. We'll leave our house at 8 am and we will be there 11 hours later. Yikes. Wish me luck!
So 1 more "night-night" and we are off to my beautiful hometown: Quebec City!
Monday, May 23, 2011
3 more days.Books.Awards.Fever.Running.Fuel.
I feel like I am in the middle of a storm.
The countdown has started
3 more days until I get to this place: MY HOMETOWN
I finished 2 books. One that I loved and the other one not so much.
I loved this one:
I recommend it (nothing to do with the movie with the same title, loved that movie btw). It's the amazing story of a family of 4 kids who lost both their parents when they were young. It is told be all 4 kids from stories they remembered from their childhood and what happened after the death of their father followed a year later by the death of their mother.
This other book, I read because my friends said it was good. I should have known better but I read it. After 40 pages I was over it but I decided to finish it. I know it is a bestseller and lots of people loved it. I did not. I don't hate it, it's just really ordinary I think. After reading The Help and Water for Elephants..this was a not in the same league. That is just my opinion of course! Maybe the movie is better? I have not seen it.
Today was Proud Mommy day at school!
If you are allergic to moms who brag about their kids, you must skip to next topic after the pics. It's OK I forgive you already.
OK so it was the end of year Awards Ceremony at Will's school.
It was not looking good for me to attend because his brother came down with a fever :( and I was not sure he was going to make it. But he did and we went to see Will get his awards. (see the S at the end?!!!)
I know you are all dying to know what he got. OK twist my arm I will tell you!
He got 4 awards!
1. Math Facts Champ. Got to score 100% (no pressure) on the test to get this. He was the only 1st grader to get it again.
2. Eagle Reader Award. Only kid to get it in all 1st and 2nd grade. A 2nd grade girl from his class got the next level: Master Reader, she was the only one. That's shows how good their teacher is I think. I LOVE his teacher.
4. Perfect Attendance. This, let's be honest is a combo of luck and the fact that I don't give "days off" to my kids. Some parents in our class did that, I don't. They have enough holidays and other days off during the year. For an emergency of course I would let them miss school. With that said I don't care much about that award. I am happy he got it, it means he was in good health. If he does not get it because he had the flu, oh well no biggy. I am not a fan of this award because some parents send their sick kids to school because they try to get perfect attendance. That is stupid and irresponsible. Most of the time they end up getting a call from the nurse to come and get their kids before the first recess! Sorry if you are reading this and you are one of them. I still like you, just don't tell me you do it in your comments :) It is one thing not to know they are sick and getting a call later in the day but it is another when we see kids throwing up in the line-up before the bell rings!
7 kids got Perfect Attendance.
I cannot believe the year is over! We are lucky we get to keep the same teacher because Will was in a 1-2 combo and she is a 2nd grade teacher! I so very proud of my boy!
I want to be 6 again. looks like fun!!!
I ran both days this weekend.
4 miles on Saturday, it was very hot, did not take water with me because I thought 4 miles is short. Well that was a mistake. I got super dehydrated at mile 2. I came home with salt all over my face. Sunday went for 7 miles WITH WATER. Much better except for loosing my cel phone on the trail. I am lucky, a nice lady found it and when I called my number she answered my phone and I got it back that same day.
Ended the week with 23 miles.
So far today no running, Jonathan is sick with high fever. No help from my husband so far, it is not looking good for a run. That's life.
Sick kid 3 days before going to Canada = NOT GOOD.
Found some new stuff to try for fuel on long runs. We will see how that goes.
The countdown has started
3 more days until I get to this place: MY HOMETOWN
I finished 2 books. One that I loved and the other one not so much.
I loved this one:
I recommend it (nothing to do with the movie with the same title, loved that movie btw). It's the amazing story of a family of 4 kids who lost both their parents when they were young. It is told be all 4 kids from stories they remembered from their childhood and what happened after the death of their father followed a year later by the death of their mother.
This other book, I read because my friends said it was good. I should have known better but I read it. After 40 pages I was over it but I decided to finish it. I know it is a bestseller and lots of people loved it. I did not. I don't hate it, it's just really ordinary I think. After reading The Help and Water for Elephants..this was a not in the same league. That is just my opinion of course! Maybe the movie is better? I have not seen it.
Today was Proud Mommy day at school!
If you are allergic to moms who brag about their kids, you must skip to next topic after the pics. It's OK I forgive you already.
OK so it was the end of year Awards Ceremony at Will's school.
It was not looking good for me to attend because his brother came down with a fever :( and I was not sure he was going to make it. But he did and we went to see Will get his awards. (see the S at the end?!!!)
I know you are all dying to know what he got. OK twist my arm I will tell you!
He got 4 awards!
1. Math Facts Champ. Got to score 100% (no pressure) on the test to get this. He was the only 1st grader to get it again.
3. Top Reader in all first grade. He was 2nd in all 2nd grade. This makes me really happy because I encourage him and his brother to read and to love books. That is the only thing that I am OK spoiling them with: BOOKS.
I cannot believe the year is over! We are lucky we get to keep the same teacher because Will was in a 1-2 combo and she is a 2nd grade teacher! I so very proud of my boy!
I want to be 6 again. looks like fun!!!
I ran both days this weekend.
4 miles on Saturday, it was very hot, did not take water with me because I thought 4 miles is short. Well that was a mistake. I got super dehydrated at mile 2. I came home with salt all over my face. Sunday went for 7 miles WITH WATER. Much better except for loosing my cel phone on the trail. I am lucky, a nice lady found it and when I called my number she answered my phone and I got it back that same day.
Ended the week with 23 miles.
So far today no running, Jonathan is sick with high fever. No help from my husband so far, it is not looking good for a run. That's life.
Sick kid 3 days before going to Canada = NOT GOOD.
Found some new stuff to try for fuel on long runs. We will see how that goes.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Cry Baby
My son Jonathan is "graduating" from pre school this year.
On the school calendar the last day is May 25th. I assumed that would the LAST day that we have to be at the school. So I bought our tickets for Quebec for May 26th. A week later I get a flyer from the school: Graduation is May 27th. G R E A T. I already missed his Christmas program because I was sick, this was not good. The teacher was super nice and she let me come to the last rehearsal today and let me filmed the whole thing so that Bill could see it also.
It was great. I cried like a baby the whole time. They have these songs like "Let them be little" I mean come on!
He is off to "The big kids school". Yesterday he had his assessment test for Kindergarten. He did great. When he walked in one of the teacher asked : "Are you as smart as your brother?" No pressure right? His response: "No I am way smarter!!!!"
Speaking of crying...have you read the 6 posts series on Emz's 24 hours marathon? I dare you to read it and not cry.
This week I received a lovely email and in it was one of the best compliment I have ever gotten. This is what the person wrote: "Thank you for representing the best of what one individual can do for another" That also made me cry.
Thank you all for your "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY" wishes and comments!
Yesterday was speedwork.
I had planned to do 10x400.
That did not happen. After 6, I almost puked and I got cold sweats and was feeling really bad. So I ended up at 4 miles and short 4 repeats.
Today I rested. Tomorrow going for a short one 4 miles or so and Sunday 7 or 8.
We are leaving in 6 days. I cannot believe it. I get really emotional now thinking about it. It's been almost 3 years since I've been home, seen I've seen my brother and his family. 3 years is a long time. The last time I was there, I was a different person. I was 70 lbs heavier. I was not a runner. I could eat anything I wanted. I am nervous about going back looking so different. I am not one who enjoy attention. I like my boys to get it all. :)
I did find something to make me laugh last night.
I think it is hilarious but I am bias of course. I got about 3 hours of that, all from different days of course. I made 3 mini 30 sec clips.
This is exactly 3 years ago, he was 2.
"He's got blue eyes like me!!!!" "Keith Urban!"
My son Jonathan is "graduating" from pre school this year.
On the school calendar the last day is May 25th. I assumed that would the LAST day that we have to be at the school. So I bought our tickets for Quebec for May 26th. A week later I get a flyer from the school: Graduation is May 27th. G R E A T. I already missed his Christmas program because I was sick, this was not good. The teacher was super nice and she let me come to the last rehearsal today and let me filmed the whole thing so that Bill could see it also.
It was great. I cried like a baby the whole time. They have these songs like "Let them be little" I mean come on!
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Wonder what they were talking about |
He is off to "The big kids school". Yesterday he had his assessment test for Kindergarten. He did great. When he walked in one of the teacher asked : "Are you as smart as your brother?" No pressure right? His response: "No I am way smarter!!!!"
Speaking of crying...have you read the 6 posts series on Emz's 24 hours marathon? I dare you to read it and not cry.
This week I received a lovely email and in it was one of the best compliment I have ever gotten. This is what the person wrote: "Thank you for representing the best of what one individual can do for another" That also made me cry.
Thank you all for your "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY" wishes and comments!
Yesterday was speedwork.
I had planned to do 10x400.
That did not happen. After 6, I almost puked and I got cold sweats and was feeling really bad. So I ended up at 4 miles and short 4 repeats.
Today I rested. Tomorrow going for a short one 4 miles or so and Sunday 7 or 8.
We are leaving in 6 days. I cannot believe it. I get really emotional now thinking about it. It's been almost 3 years since I've been home, seen I've seen my brother and his family. 3 years is a long time. The last time I was there, I was a different person. I was 70 lbs heavier. I was not a runner. I could eat anything I wanted. I am nervous about going back looking so different. I am not one who enjoy attention. I like my boys to get it all. :)
I did find something to make me laugh last night.
I think it is hilarious but I am bias of course. I got about 3 hours of that, all from different days of course. I made 3 mini 30 sec clips.
This is exactly 3 years ago, he was 2.
"He's got blue eyes like me!!!!" "Keith Urban!"
Thursday, May 19, 2011
10 years ago I put on a white dress and I said I do but not I will obey!
May 19, 2001
It is my 10th wedding anniversary!
I cannot believe it has been 10 years already.
May 19, 2001 I put on a white dress and I said I do but I refuse to say the traditional "I will obey." Yes I am a rebel. No not really just did not like the word obey. (Obey was OK with my dad until I was hmmm 12?!)
When we decided that I would be the one moving (from Quebec to California) we agreed that we would get married in Quebec since I was making the ultimate sacrifice of leaving everything and everyone behind for us to have a life together.
Well it did not go as we planned. We forgot about a little detail called INS.
Getting married in Quebec meant that Bill would come back to the US without me after our wedding. I would have had to wait in Quebec 6-9 months before getting my conditional green card. We also would have had to do the interviews in Canada, when applying for a green card through marriage there are interviews with the INS. Fun fun fun.
So because of that we decided to get married in the US. I was very disappointed because it meant less people from Canada would be able to come to the wedding.
I wanted a simple wedding. My dress was simple, I bought it off the rack for $99 and it did not need any touch up!! My MIL was VERY disappointed with me I think, she had planned a whole week of wedding dress shopping and I was not having it. My dress was the 2nd one I tried on.
We had a small wedding, about 50 guests. We got married in a small wooden chapel. I had no wedding party, just a maid of honor for me and a best man for Bill. My maid of honor was my dearest and oldest friend and she came all the way from Quebec even though she was 8 months pregnant! I had friends who came from Canada, England and the Caribbean Islands. I was so happy to have them here with me for this important day.
It was a lovely day, only one thing went wrong: the photographer we hired did not show up! I remember getting ready with my mom and I kept looking at the time wondering when he would show up for the pre-wedding pictures. I would send my mom every 3 minutes to go look for him and nothing. Finally the time came and I had to walked down the aisle and still no photographer! 5 minutes later I heard click-click-click. I turned and I saw a guy taking pictures who was not the guy we had hired! This turned out to be a mini fiasco and let's just say it did not end well for the guy we hired and our pictures are not great and we got some of our money hoo hoo.
We did have a lovely time. We had a great Australian DJ! Not sure I ate any of the food that we had!!! My friends who could not come to the wedding made a video for me and that made me cry. This is me dancing with my dad:
We went to Maui for our honeymoon. I loved it! We did all kinds of fun stuff there. The best one was to go on the top of Haleakala, an active volcano, to watch the sunrise and bike down the volcano on the way back! It was the coolest experience! This is us on the top of the volcano, it was VERY cold.
So after 10 years I am happy to report that we are still together and happy! We have 2 great kids. I still have a huge accent, Bill still does not speak French and I still miss my homeland as much as I did 10 years ago.
A friend of mine told me that I should try my dress on to see if it still fits. She said in most case, it will not fit and be too small especially if the bride had kids.
So I did try it on and she was right it does not fit. See:
It is a little big!!!! :)
10 years of marriage
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Funny dudes
Yesterday while doing homework:
Will my 6 yrs old: Mom how come girls fart less then boys?
Me: How do you figure they do?
Will: Well you are a girl and you fart the least in the family!!!! I think it is because you eat the least. Is that why girls fart less??
Me: ahhhhhh ha ha ha ha!!!!!
This was Saturday at soccer.
I called that Jonathan's got game
He saw a little girl from his class and asked if he could go say "Hi". Of course I said OK. Then this happened.
Will my 6 yrs old: Mom how come girls fart less then boys?
Me: How do you figure they do?
Will: Well you are a girl and you fart the least in the family!!!! I think it is because you eat the least. Is that why girls fart less??
Me: ahhhhhh ha ha ha ha!!!!!
This was Saturday at soccer.
I called that Jonathan's got game
He saw a little girl from his class and asked if he could go say "Hi". Of course I said OK. Then this happened.
Technique: Gentle Tap on the shoulders |
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Hi C! |
Oh Boy...since Sunday I have been practicing this:
Pretend phone is ringing:
Ring ring ring!!!
me: Hello?
girl: Hi is Jonathan there?
me: He is busy studying, please call back in 15 years dear.
I think this is a pretty good strategy.
Running: 4 miles on treadmill. Hills.
With my stalker on the TM next to me and Vic on the bike right behind him.

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I am here for my brother's game. look he's over there #5! |
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So what are you doing later? Going to our school open house? Cool! Me too! |
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Showing off |
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Hey Mom, see my moves? Got 3 girls now! |
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Even got the attention of an older gal |
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OK Girls: Try to catch me! |
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You can't catch me!!! |
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Ah OK I'll let you! |
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That was him after I told him it was time to go! |
Pretend phone is ringing:
Ring ring ring!!!
me: Hello?
girl: Hi is Jonathan there?
me: He is busy studying, please call back in 15 years dear.
I think this is a pretty good strategy.
Running: 4 miles on treadmill. Hills.
With my stalker on the TM next to me and Vic on the bike right behind him.

Monday, May 16, 2011
What is a Carotabi?
That's a question I got 4 times now so I decided I should answer it.
If you follow me on twitter, Carotabi is my username. I have been asked "what is carotabi" via direct messages 4 times in 1 week!
Well it is nothing crazy...
Caro is my nickname, short for Caroline, very common in French to call girls named Caroline "Caro" in English not so much. Tabi is my maiden name. Caro Tabi is just my "old" name. Tabi that does not sound very French Canadian right? It's because it's Hungarian. Did I get teased as a kid because of my weird last name? Yep almost every day. It sucked a little but I never wanted to have a different name. When I got to High School with the very mature kids..(yeah right) it stopped. It's just 4 letters but I have seen it written in dozen of ways. Thabby, Tabe, Tabbe, Taby, Thabee, it is endless. I thought that when I would get married I would get an "easier" name and......NO! I am still stuck with a name most people don't understand the first time I say it and no, not because of my accent. I have to spell it every single time. So there is the story of my username!
I hate shopping and May is the worst month of the year as far as shopping goes. There's Mother's day, my brother's birthday, my wedding anniversary, Bill's birthday, the end of school year presents for the teachers (yes in California school ends in May not June) and this year to add to this madness we are leaving for Quebec on the 26th! The day after Bill's bday and the last day of school!!! My to do list is as tall as me and I am a giant in case you did not know already!
At least I have running to manage my stress!
Last week I did this
Monday: dentist, fun times no running :(
Tuesday: 5 miles on TM with incline
Wednesday: 3 miles tempo
Thursday: Speedwork 10x400 : 5 miles total
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 4 miles
Sunday: 6 miles all against strong crazy winds, I cussed the whole time.
Total: 23 miles.
Today 4 miles: again with the $#%$%^@ wind. I am so tired of the wind. It is pretty cold here for May and that I LOVE but the is hard to run against it when it's strong like we have now.
My next half marathons are September 4th and October 9. 1 month apart. Do I need to pick one to be the one I go for a better time or I can do that for both? I will not be the most rested at the October one because the night before I am going to see this guy in concert and will be on my feet for a few hours for sure!
But that race will be the best ever I know it! Long Beach 2011!!! I cannot wait!!!!
I think my FBFF should also run the Long Beach half marathon! Right ladies?
If you follow me on twitter, Carotabi is my username. I have been asked "what is carotabi" via direct messages 4 times in 1 week!
Well it is nothing crazy...
Caro is my nickname, short for Caroline, very common in French to call girls named Caroline "Caro" in English not so much. Tabi is my maiden name. Caro Tabi is just my "old" name. Tabi that does not sound very French Canadian right? It's because it's Hungarian. Did I get teased as a kid because of my weird last name? Yep almost every day. It sucked a little but I never wanted to have a different name. When I got to High School with the very mature kids..(yeah right) it stopped. It's just 4 letters but I have seen it written in dozen of ways. Thabby, Tabe, Tabbe, Taby, Thabee, it is endless. I thought that when I would get married I would get an "easier" name and......NO! I am still stuck with a name most people don't understand the first time I say it and no, not because of my accent. I have to spell it every single time. So there is the story of my username!
I hate shopping and May is the worst month of the year as far as shopping goes. There's Mother's day, my brother's birthday, my wedding anniversary, Bill's birthday, the end of school year presents for the teachers (yes in California school ends in May not June) and this year to add to this madness we are leaving for Quebec on the 26th! The day after Bill's bday and the last day of school!!! My to do list is as tall as me and I am a giant in case you did not know already!
At least I have running to manage my stress!
Last week I did this
Monday: dentist, fun times no running :(
Tuesday: 5 miles on TM with incline
Wednesday: 3 miles tempo
Thursday: Speedwork 10x400 : 5 miles total
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 4 miles
Sunday: 6 miles all against strong crazy winds, I cussed the whole time.
Total: 23 miles.
Today 4 miles: again with the $#%$%^@ wind. I am so tired of the wind. It is pretty cold here for May and that I LOVE but the is hard to run against it when it's strong like we have now.
My next half marathons are September 4th and October 9. 1 month apart. Do I need to pick one to be the one I go for a better time or I can do that for both? I will not be the most rested at the October one because the night before I am going to see this guy in concert and will be on my feet for a few hours for sure!
But that race will be the best ever I know it! Long Beach 2011!!! I cannot wait!!!!
I think my FBFF should also run the Long Beach half marathon! Right ladies?
Friday, May 13, 2011
A little bit of everything
Blogger went on strike...the nerves...thank God for Twitter right?!!!
OK before I forget: Please join me in wishing Jess all the best for her marathon this weekend!
She trained hard, I predict a PR! You got this Jess...the winds got nothing on you.
Also sending SPEEDY vibes to Chris K who is running a 5K tomorrow!!!!!
I predict AG top finisher!!! No pressure.
Idol: Do you watch? I know Nelly watches! He even has a ranking formula for the contestants. I am not kidding. Well I used to watch. But I am over it now. After last night, I am done. I cannot believe Durbin went home and that little brat Hailey is still there. Crazy.
My kids: Wednesday my 5 yrs old Jonathan came to me and said :
"Mom I wish you were from Mashville Temessee instead of Quebec!"
me: "Should I ask why?"
J: "You KNOW why!"
If you are new to my blog (welcome) you can read here why.
Then yesterday at the gym. When I went to pick him up at the kids gym a boy came at the gate and said to Jonathan "Your mom is old!"
Jonathan was furious and he waste no time to respond :
" No she is NOOOOOOT and you are FAT! euh I mean chubby!!!"
Yes, yes I told him not nice to say fat and made him apologize...
Will, my 6 yrs old scored 100% on the big Math test from the state! He took the 2nd grade test even though he is just in 1st grade. He also earned a Eagle reader award and that is huge for a 1st grader. He will be the only boy in all 1 and 2 grade to get this award. Can you tell I am a little proud? I am!
This morning he had his end of the year program, it was hilarious to see them sing.
Running: Ran Wednesday 3 miles tempo and yesterday was supposed to do 8x400 but I did 10!!! Today rest, tomorrow going for 4 miles and Sunday 7 or 8.
I am kind of following Higdon's 10k intermediate for my next race. I had to start at week 5. I have decided to keep my long runs at 7-8 miles minimum. I want to have more double digits runs in before my next half marathons. I think what I need to work on the most is being able to keep a good pace for the whole race and not have the 2nd half of the race so much slower then the first. So I will keep my speedwork once a week because it does help me but I want to focus on endurance.
Have you been married for over 10 yrs? What did you do to celebrate 10 yrs? Did you get a special gift for your spouse?
Looking for an idea for my husband...
OK before I forget: Please join me in wishing Jess all the best for her marathon this weekend!
She trained hard, I predict a PR! You got this Jess...the winds got nothing on you.
Also sending SPEEDY vibes to Chris K who is running a 5K tomorrow!!!!!
I predict AG top finisher!!! No pressure.
Idol: Do you watch? I know Nelly watches! He even has a ranking formula for the contestants. I am not kidding. Well I used to watch. But I am over it now. After last night, I am done. I cannot believe Durbin went home and that little brat Hailey is still there. Crazy.
My kids: Wednesday my 5 yrs old Jonathan came to me and said :
"Mom I wish you were from Mashville Temessee instead of Quebec!"
me: "Should I ask why?"
J: "You KNOW why!"
If you are new to my blog (welcome) you can read here why.
Then yesterday at the gym. When I went to pick him up at the kids gym a boy came at the gate and said to Jonathan "Your mom is old!"
Jonathan was furious and he waste no time to respond :
" No she is NOOOOOOT and you are FAT! euh I mean chubby!!!"
Yes, yes I told him not nice to say fat and made him apologize...
Will, my 6 yrs old scored 100% on the big Math test from the state! He took the 2nd grade test even though he is just in 1st grade. He also earned a Eagle reader award and that is huge for a 1st grader. He will be the only boy in all 1 and 2 grade to get this award. Can you tell I am a little proud? I am!
This morning he had his end of the year program, it was hilarious to see them sing.
Running: Ran Wednesday 3 miles tempo and yesterday was supposed to do 8x400 but I did 10!!! Today rest, tomorrow going for 4 miles and Sunday 7 or 8.
I am kind of following Higdon's 10k intermediate for my next race. I had to start at week 5. I have decided to keep my long runs at 7-8 miles minimum. I want to have more double digits runs in before my next half marathons. I think what I need to work on the most is being able to keep a good pace for the whole race and not have the 2nd half of the race so much slower then the first. So I will keep my speedwork once a week because it does help me but I want to focus on endurance.
Have you been married for over 10 yrs? What did you do to celebrate 10 yrs? Did you get a special gift for your spouse?
Looking for an idea for my husband...
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
I think have a stalker
Thank you for the nice comments and email on my mother's day post. I appreciate every single one of them.
Went to the gym today for a 5 miles run on the TM.
I have a friend at the gym, his name is Vic, I mentioned him before on my blog. He is 67 yrs old, was in the navy, he used to be a marathoner and he is completely inappropriate 90% of the time. He knows everyone at the gym.
So this morning I showed up and he was working on his 6 packs and he tells me some guy has been asking if he knew what time his "running lady friend" would arrive. This guy was the same dude I talked about in this post here, the one who thanked me for the nice pace. Vic is kind of protective of his gal pals so he of course did not say: "She'll be here at 9!" or worst : "Caroline will be here at 9!" Instead he just informed this dude that I was married and the guy said " Are you sure? She does not wear a ring!" AHHHHHHHHHH CREEPY. Then Vic told him I was too old for him. Nice!
So after being informed of this little chat. I went upstairs where the treadmills are and the guy was not there. But like less then a minute later he showed up. CRAP. Quick quick I put the headphones on and I started running. The TM next to me was free so of course he takes it...and this was my lucky day because that TM went on strike...did not work!!!!
I have not been wearing my wedding band or ring since I lost so much weight because they both fall off of my finger now and I am afraid to loose them of course. Time for an adjustment I think!!!
5 miles went great!
Last week was my post half marathon week, I did not follow any plan.
I did this
Mon: rest
Tue: 3 miles
Wed: 3.5 miles
Thu: 4 miles
Fri: rest
Sat: 4 miles
Sun: 4 miles
total: 18.5 miles
This week back on a plan. Next race: 10k June 5th in QUEBEC!!!!
Went to the gym today for a 5 miles run on the TM.
I have a friend at the gym, his name is Vic, I mentioned him before on my blog. He is 67 yrs old, was in the navy, he used to be a marathoner and he is completely inappropriate 90% of the time. He knows everyone at the gym.
So this morning I showed up and he was working on his 6 packs and he tells me some guy has been asking if he knew what time his "running lady friend" would arrive. This guy was the same dude I talked about in this post here, the one who thanked me for the nice pace. Vic is kind of protective of his gal pals so he of course did not say: "She'll be here at 9!" or worst : "Caroline will be here at 9!" Instead he just informed this dude that I was married and the guy said " Are you sure? She does not wear a ring!" AHHHHHHHHHH CREEPY. Then Vic told him I was too old for him. Nice!
So after being informed of this little chat. I went upstairs where the treadmills are and the guy was not there. But like less then a minute later he showed up. CRAP. Quick quick I put the headphones on and I started running. The TM next to me was free so of course he takes it...and this was my lucky day because that TM went on strike...did not work!!!!
I have not been wearing my wedding band or ring since I lost so much weight because they both fall off of my finger now and I am afraid to loose them of course. Time for an adjustment I think!!!
5 miles went great!
Last week was my post half marathon week, I did not follow any plan.
I did this
Mon: rest
Tue: 3 miles
Wed: 3.5 miles
Thu: 4 miles
Fri: rest
Sat: 4 miles
Sun: 4 miles
total: 18.5 miles
This week back on a plan. Next race: 10k June 5th in QUEBEC!!!!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Mavs 122, Lakers 86: Happy Mother's Day to ME!!!!!
Mavs 122, Lakers 86
Bye bye Lakers
To you
To me
and to your moms if you are a guy or a gal with no kids yet!!!
I have been a mom for 6 yrs 10 mos and 11 days.
I always wanted to have 2 sons.
I was so afraid to have a girl and that she would hate me because I am not girlie.
I have 2 sons and I feel so lucky to have them.
It was not easy for me to become a mom.
We tried for 2 years, nothing. I started thinking it was not going to happen.
I saw many doctors, the first 6 told me I was depressed and gave me a Rx for anti depressants. THAT made me depressed! I never took any of their pills because I knew this was not my problem.
Finally Doctor #7 said : "You have endometriosis" Not the best news when one is trying to get pregnant but at least an answer. I was not crazy.
I will not bore you with my medical issues, but I will say that I had to have a surgery for each time that I got pregnant. I had my kids after turning 35. I was at high risk both times. I had pelvis separation both times (VERY painful, almost impossible to walk after the 7th month). With my first, I went in pre term labor at 31 weeks, at work, it was scary. I ended up on bed rest, I never went back to work after that day. It was not easy but I am one of the lucky one with this condition who was able to get pregnant and not once but twice!
It is a privilege to be my sons mom. It brings me joy and happiness. I love them just the way they are and I am proud of them.
It is also very hard to be a mom at times. I am a stay at home mom. It is the best and the hardest job on the planet. Yes, Mister President, harder then yours.
Being a mom made me appreciate MY mom so much more. It made me feel so guilty that I did not see all that she did for us when we were younger. I know it is "normal" but I wish I had knew then what I know now. I have a great mom. I will see her in 18 days!
So happy mother's day to all the moms reading this! If you have not called your mom yet, what are you waiting for?! CALL!
Went for a 4 miles run, it was soooooo windy I lost my balance twice!
Bye bye Lakers
To you
To me
and to your moms if you are a guy or a gal with no kids yet!!!
I have been a mom for 6 yrs 10 mos and 11 days.
I always wanted to have 2 sons.
I was so afraid to have a girl and that she would hate me because I am not girlie.
I have 2 sons and I feel so lucky to have them.
It was not easy for me to become a mom.
We tried for 2 years, nothing. I started thinking it was not going to happen.
I saw many doctors, the first 6 told me I was depressed and gave me a Rx for anti depressants. THAT made me depressed! I never took any of their pills because I knew this was not my problem.
Finally Doctor #7 said : "You have endometriosis" Not the best news when one is trying to get pregnant but at least an answer. I was not crazy.
I will not bore you with my medical issues, but I will say that I had to have a surgery for each time that I got pregnant. I had my kids after turning 35. I was at high risk both times. I had pelvis separation both times (VERY painful, almost impossible to walk after the 7th month). With my first, I went in pre term labor at 31 weeks, at work, it was scary. I ended up on bed rest, I never went back to work after that day. It was not easy but I am one of the lucky one with this condition who was able to get pregnant and not once but twice!
It is a privilege to be my sons mom. It brings me joy and happiness. I love them just the way they are and I am proud of them.
It is also very hard to be a mom at times. I am a stay at home mom. It is the best and the hardest job on the planet. Yes, Mister President, harder then yours.
Being a mom made me appreciate MY mom so much more. It made me feel so guilty that I did not see all that she did for us when we were younger. I know it is "normal" but I wish I had knew then what I know now. I have a great mom. I will see her in 18 days!
So happy mother's day to all the moms reading this! If you have not called your mom yet, what are you waiting for?! CALL!
Went for a 4 miles run, it was soooooo windy I lost my balance twice!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
She did it
Who is SHE?
She is someone with a heart of gold.
She clearly has super powers.
She ran for 24 hours on a freaking treadmill.
She did it.
All for CHARITY.
Emz: You are one of a kind. I am so proud to know you. I admire what you did and most importantly WHY YOU DID IT.
Not many people could do what you did.
I hope that you raised a lot of $ doing this. I know that you helped a lot of people.
You have all my admiration and respect.
I know you are in a lot of pain now, that's is so unfair right?
Dawn: Thank you for all the updates and for responding to all the tweets and txt messages! You are a fantastic friend!
This was EPIC!
Went running this morning, 4 miles.
I'd say I am 85% back to normal.
There was a 5k race on the path I use. I did it last year, sadly the worst race ever.
No clock, no bib, we had to STOP at stop lights, it was a joke.
She is someone with a heart of gold.
She clearly has super powers.
She ran for 24 hours on a freaking treadmill.
She did it.
All for CHARITY.
Emz: You are one of a kind. I am so proud to know you. I admire what you did and most importantly WHY YOU DID IT.
Not many people could do what you did.
I hope that you raised a lot of $ doing this. I know that you helped a lot of people.
You have all my admiration and respect.
I know you are in a lot of pain now, that's is so unfair right?
Dawn: Thank you for all the updates and for responding to all the tweets and txt messages! You are a fantastic friend!
This was EPIC!
Went running this morning, 4 miles.
I'd say I am 85% back to normal.
There was a 5k race on the path I use. I did it last year, sadly the worst race ever.
No clock, no bib, we had to STOP at stop lights, it was a joke.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
How do I look?
Don't answer that!
I am very sensitive. I am kidding.
Check out my brand new shirt!
(Yes, EMZ you were right about the size: I needed aXXL Small.)
I am very sensitive. I am kidding.
Check out my brand new shirt!
(Yes, EMZ you were right about the size: I needed a
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EMZ= #1 |
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OR WILL I RUN SUPER FAST LIKE EMZ? TOMORROW IS D DAY This super gal will run for 24 hrs for a great cause Not too late to donate More info here If you missed my video message for her go here -------------- Post half marathon week going OK. I ran 3 days so far 3 miles Tuesday, my legs asked for a DIVORCE, I said no way. 3.5 miles Wednesday. Better but soooo hot outside : 96 F. 4 miles today: almost back to normal. |
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