Friday, December 17, 2010


This is a crappy day.
I am sick.
I am missing my kids Christmas programs at school.
I am sad.
This sucks.


Anonymous said...

Aw, that does suck! I hope you feel better soon. Is there another parent that might be recording the program? HUGS!!

Rae said...

Sorry! Feel better soon!

Anne said...

Ugh...I hope you feel better real soon. Je t'envoie un cyber calin ((()))

XLMIC said...

I hope you are well soon! What a bummer to miss the Christmas programs... I hope someone was able to get some pictures of your kids for you at least!

Hungry Like a Hippo said...

Feel better soon!

The Hungry Runner Girl said...

NOOOOOOO!!! I hope so badly that you get feeling better asap!! Bummer you missed the Christmas program!

Amanda@runninghood said...

Uggh! So bummed that you are sick...sorry to hear. :( Your kids will understand and love you anyway!!

Julie @ HotlegsRunner said...

awww hope you get well soon =(