Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hello December!!!

December! How I have missed you!!! What's not to like about December? Brings Christmas (hello just that is enough right?!!) and the cooler weather!!! I can breath in December!!! That means running outside is great!!!
The only problem is my December used to look like this :

and now it looks like that:

Some would say the second is the better of the 2, but for a Canadian gal like me the first is 100% the best for sure.  I am still not used to GREEN Christmas.  It is so weird to see Christmas decorations on grass instead of snow!

Today on the plan was 2 miles and I ran 3 miles doing HILLS intervals of 1 minutes.


KovasP said...

I wish I was in picture #2; growing up in SoCal I always liked that we could drive to the mountains, play in the snow, and then return home.

Amanda@runninghood said...

I think it would be so weird to be Christmas time and have SoCal weather. Really would make it hard for me to be in the Christmas mood. I agree with you.

Unknown said...

For the two years I lived in So. Cal I had a very strange love/hate with the winter there. While I hate snow, ice, wind and cold - it still didn't feel right to be running around in 70 degree weather in the "dead" of winter. I always lost track of what time a year it was.

Grass is always greener - now I miss it :)