Monday, January 30, 2012

A GIVEAWAY..just because + Virtual race for Sherry Arnold.

Taper week is here again...and it is fine, I need some rest but taper messes with my brain and that, I hate.  So I am in full panic paranoid mode...about getting sick.  Oh yes.  And this week I have the birthday party factor.  Yep Mini Urban is turning 6 on Thursday and I am having a party for him Friday ....with 27 kids, never thought they would ALL come..this kid is Mr Popularity, his teacher was not lying when she told me thatBring on the pool of germs.  I am seriously considering sporting this look:

Yesterday I did my last long run before Surf City; 10 miles and it went pretty well.  I have made some changes to my long runs since Sherry Arnold was kidnapped.  I no longer take the trail I used  to run on pretty much every day.  I now run on a busy street.  I have to use the sidewalk, that is not a + but it is safer.  I have a Road ID that I never used to wear, now it is on my shoe.  I carry pepper spray in my hands not in my belt.   I also tried something different with fueling yesterday.  This time no NUUN, just water and smaller sips and 1 Stinger Waffle in small pieces.   That part went pretty good, not perfect but good.  I also took salt sticks.  The not perfect is because I wish my stomach could handle more water at once, I worry about dehydration all the time.  It has been my #1 enemy in most of the 30 races I have done so far.  30; did you catch that? in less than 2 years.   But if I cannot keep the water down than it is not helping either.  If I take more water it tends to want to come back up...especially if I try to speed the slow pace up,   I always feel pretty good before I start drinking, I wish I could pull off a 13 miler without needing water but I cannot do that.   Now the one thing that was on the negative-lets-get-Caro-worried-before-she-gets-the Beach-Cities-challenge-DONE: Heel Pain.  CRAP.   I don't need this right now..well not ever really.  So this is related to my problem with plantar fasciitis.  I had it AFTER running not during.   I am taking care of this as best as possible.  I did buy new shoes and I will rotate those with my Mizunos Wave Inspire 7.  The new ones are Brooks Ravenna 2.  Maybe they will be better for me.  We will see.
Beth (SUAR) has created a Facebook page for a virtual race in honor of Sherry Arnold.  You can go here to read about it and to like the page.  I will be doing that race on February 11 in my town.  I am trying to get a group together to have others run this with me for Sherry.

Ok now Giveaway time.  I was not sent anything fancy, this is something I saw at the store and it was a BARGAIN so I got 3 copies.  1 copy for  me and 2 for you guys.  I am giving 1 this time and another in April when it will be Boston Marathon time.  So this is the prize:

It is a book called The story of Johnny Kelley, Boston's Marathon Man.  I just bought the books today so I have not read it yet.  I cannot tell you how great it is, I don't know yet but it looks interesting!  I did find this review:

 Johnny Kelley is Mr. Boston Marathon. Mr. Lewis has painted a loving portrait of this running icon. Mr. Kelley ran 61 Boston Marathons, winning twice and finishing 2nd an astonishing 7 times. The book was originally published while Mr. Kelley was still alive. Mr. Lewis interviewed Mr. Kelley extensively and this adds immeasurably to the story. The book is not only a biography of a great runner but a personal journey through the history of America's Greatest Race. GREAT READ!!

There are lots of pictures in the book:

Want a copy?
Here's how:

1. You need to be a follower of this blog and leave a comment.

1 Bonus Entry:
Share on Twitter (include @carotabi in your tweet) or on your blog and leave a comment.

You can enter until Surf City Day or what most people call Super Bowl Day: Sunday February 5th. 
This is open to everyone, Stefano, I mean it, EVERYONE..USA, Canada, Italy, New Zealand (Mrs. Cotter).


Emz said...

Twenty seven?
Holy. Crap.

SupermomE13 said...

Oh, I so so SO want to win this book. :) I am a follower!

SupermomE13 said...

I posted on Twitter. :)

Teamarcia said...

Praying for no germs and no foot pain!
Don't enter me. I want Stefano to win. Well wait do enter me and if I win I'll give it to Stefano. : )

Unknown said...

Surf City was my first marathon (and only at this point) and the race where I BQed, so it will always hold a special place in my heart!

BEST OF LUCK! Don't let taper madness get the best of you. :)

macnic said...

Whee! Enjoy the taper madness! (and the birthday party!)

BabyWeightMyFatAss said...

I follow!! Sounds like an interesting book!

Patrick Mahoney said...

A book on Johnny Kelly, totally cool. I remember him from living there even though at the time I knew very little about the marathon.

Names don't get much more Boston that that, either.

Michelle said...

Today one of my students came up to me and told me she was sick. I exclaimed, "What are you doing here, then? I can't get sick! I'm training for the Boston marathon!" :)
We are planning our run here in Walla Walla.
And yes, I ran in the country this weekend for my long run, but I kept my pepper spray in my hand, my phone in my front pocket and my iPod very low. I left EXACT directions as to where I would be. I have to admit, I was much more spooked than I have ever been, but I refused to give in to fear.

Boston Bound Brunette said...

I follow you. Looks like some good reading!!

Unknown said...

No silly girl... it's not Super Bowl Sunday, it's my birthday - the contest ends on my birthday! :)

Drink lots, take some Vit. C and zinc and wash your hands! :)

27 kids? Holy mother of the year!

Laura said...

I follow..and am in dire need of something to read.
I thought I was getting the flu was a very scary feeling.
I have become even safer with my runs of late as well. Such a sad story about Sherry.

KovasP said...

I'm always up for a running book!

I've read some studies that show gulping water is better at moving it into the system than sipping.

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great book!

Good think about being exposed to potential germs at the party, is that the incubation period for most germs is longer than a couple of days, so you should still be good to go.

What do you think about organizing an in-person group run in Sherry's honor? I know there are a lot of bloggers in this general area (not that we're all super close, but we drive farther for real races and this one is more meaningful). What do you think?

Anonymous said...

Hi! Good luck at Surf City! My heart hurt reading this, because I had to bow out of it, due to a bad case of PF. I hope you rock it out!!!!

Terzah said...

I would love to win that book! :^)

You are going to do great in the race this weekend. Remember all the good advice you gave me ahead of Houston (and I did NOT get sick).

Terzah said...

I just tweeted it!

Kate Geisen said...

I'd love to win the book. What a neat idea!

I totally know what you mean about the getting sick paranoia. BTW, the very day after I bragged to you about my strong immune system, I woke up with a cold. :-/ I'm sure it had a little to do with running in the cold, windy rain, but was mostly just what I get for bragging.

Probably a dumb question, but I guess you already do plenty of hydrating the day/night before, right? I actually do a terrible job of that. There's no way I could go 13 miles without drinking; my friends make fun of me because I'll take water for a mile run in the winter. I don't like to be thirsty.

Anyway, I'll be thinking of you and wishing you lots of good luck in your race. And with getting Patrick to smile! :)

Something that helped me with PF was wearing a lace-up ankle brace when I slept to keep my foot flexed (I feel like I already told you this...sorry if I did).

Kathy said...

Be kind to your family during taper madness!!

Awesome book! I follow you ... and will post on Twitter!

Cotter Crunch said...

i am a follower and i think your giveaway ia just what Sherry would have wanted. Keep her spirit alive! beautiful.

Denise said...

I'm now a Follower. I'd love to join you for the virtual run.

Denise said...

Hope this doesn't mess with the giveaway, but I just wanted to mention that I see an awesome practitioner in Rancho named Jennifer Ruiz who completely "cured" my PF. She has a wellness center next to her parents chiropractic office - Belllwood on Haven and Arrow. Seriously amazing. for $25 she does myofacial release on my legs and then reflexology on my feet.

Try rolling on a frozen golf ball ball before Sunday.

Black Knight said...

Thank you for the kind mention and thanks Marcia.
About getting sick before an important race is my paranoid too.
I am going to read about the virtual race because I would like to do it.
Last but not least: I am already your follower and I would like to win!!!!!!

Detroit Runner(Jeff) said...

I'm a new follower!