We had a low key one like every year. My family is Canadian so we don't celebrate the American Thanksgiving and my in-laws are....well complicated.
The kids and I ran the local Turkey Trot for the 2nd year. It is 15 minutes away from our house and in a town I really like. It reminds me of my hometown.
This is a great race for families. It is not expensive, we can even sign up the day before without being hit with an increase in the cost. Everyone gets a long sleeve shirt, this year it's yellow...neon, all the kids get a cute medal and the 5K has a time chip.
Kids race was first and the boys did great!
It is fun to see all the little kids coming down the street after the turn around.
Jonathan (in yellow and hat) is a clown as you can see...
The start! Jonathan with his Game face on!
Coming down to the finish line, this is my new favorite picture of my kids! I LOVE it and it is going in a frame on the wall!

Will running with his eyes closed! (top right) and I think we need to work on Jonathan's form (bottom right)..what is up with his feet??!!!

My turn next.
I don't like 5Ks...feels like running death to me...it is too fast, it is painful.
I have not done speedwork in a long time so I was NOT ready for a real 5K race.
I like this course. First 2.5 miles are flat with 3 uphill sections. Last part is all downhill.
I wanted to go under 29:00 like I did last year and not puke.
We had perfect weather, 50s and sunny.
I decided to go with my team sparkles skirt for this one.
This is coming to the finish line. Do you see that little girl in front of me on the left...
she jump in front of me from the sidewalk and scared the crap out of me. I think she was trying to catch her parent...I don't know...but it was dangerous...guy next to me almost tripped..

28:38, no PR but better than last year on that course so I am happy.

Some lady who was there with her kid, was reading what it says on my jacket and asked "What HOOD is this?" I told her Mount Hood. She asked where it was and I told her Oregon. She then turned to her kid and said "It's in Canada!!!!" Pretty sad.....seriously...

Did you do Black Friday? Are you shopping today?
For me No and No.
I went for 4 miles this morning and planning on 10 tomorrow or Sunday.
Yesterday our fantastic neighbors played super loud music from 2 pm until 4:30 am. I think they are the rudest people I have ever seen. They don't care about anyone living near them. The worst part is the owner of the house is a cop so the cops do nothing about it when they are called (I know because we called before and so did other people). So I did not sleep well...I had to wear ear plugs to try to block the music.
Hope your Thanksgiving was good!
Does the cop rent it out or he lives there? Our town has a noise ordinance but it would be hard I bet if people were complaining about a cop. sorry. asshole neighbors ruin lot's of good neighborhoods.
and yes geography is not really an important subject matter in schools. sigh.
Your boys look so happy. I love the picture were they are waiting for the gun shot!
Great pictures from the race! Any race where you improve on your previous time is a good race in my book.
My family all went to my mother-in-law's for Thanksgiving. I was really sick, so I missed it. :( My husband offered to stay home, but I didn't want everybody to miss out. On the plus side, MY family is getting together for Thanksgiving tomorrow, so at least I get a second chance! :)
Bummer about your neighbors. We had nightmare neighbors when we lived in our condo. I still know the police Dept non-emergency number by heart. Luckily, they WERE responsive to our concerns.
Oh gosh, what adorable pictures of your kiddos running the Turkey Trot - very fun!! I love that one of the two of them also. And good job to you on your race! I hate 5ks also....I used to play "would you rather run a 5k or eat a live chicken?" Give me the chicken omelet please!! Haha. I ran one yesterday, too. Not my best performance either but am slowly improving.
That's sad about the police not doing anything about the music. I'd ask to talk to the head of the police department; there are noise restrictions I am sure!
You look so cute in your sparkles and rainbows! I love 5Ks. Over before you know it ;-)
LOL! I hope you gave her a good geography lesson!!
Your boys are absolutely adorable, Caroline! I love how the turkey trot is usually affordable for families.
Beautiful race outfit!!
I didn't do black Friday either this year.
Be honest, was that you in the Turkey suit??? And Jonathan with his "game face" ... awesome!!! Happy Thanksgiving to my favorite French Canadian!
Are you telling me Oregon is not in Canada?? Hahaha, that's totally crazy!!
Fun race, and I love that your boys are so into it. You are instilling great fitness values in them early that will last a life time, and great memories with their Mom :)
Les photos de tes garçons sont superbes!! Quels beaux souvenirs :)
Tellement triste ce commentaire sur l'Orégon...ouf! Bravo pour ton 5km, une PR sur un circuit spécifique c'est excellent!
It's easy to see how the kids enjoyed that fun race.
Beautiful picture of you and your family!
Have a nice week!
I love the pics of your boys! They look like they are running so fast!! Also, there are some great shots of you here too! congrats on a strong turkey trot! We were twinsies in our pink sparkle skirts :)
cannot believe the neighbor is a cop! yes, i did shop on black friday. i’m a total sucker. congrats on the 5K! especially to the boys-i love that they are so active.
You always have the best family race pictures!
I hate Black Friday--well, I think I do. I've never tried it--never been interested.
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