Have you ever had patella tendinosis? Is it cured? What did you do? How long did it take to get better? I want to know everything!
Since learning that there was no tear....I have been doing either fast walking or super slow run/ fast walking intervals. All on the treadmill. The intervals were of 0.25 miles for 4 miles. Yesterday I only did 3 miles of walking only and 1 hour of pool running. My knee was sore and stiff and I did not even tried to run on the TM. I found this to be so frustrating. Pool running is hard...I am lucky I can do it at home.
I need a tan......

I ice 3 times per day also.
I am not supposed to take any ibuprofen because of my GERD but I did take 1 pill twice. It was just 200 mg and so far no stomach problem.
I researched patella tendonisis and found several links with advices on exercises that can be done. The most recommended one is a program of eccentric decline squats.
This is worth the try I think. On Amazon you can buy the fancy bloc like the PT have for about $70. I decided to go to Home Depot instead and got what I needed for less than $25.
Sunday is the OC Half Marathon.
I am registered for this race.
Now normally I think I would probably maybe just skip it and get a DNS because of this injury.
The thing with this one is that it is the last of 3 races for the Beach Cities Challenge. This is my second challenge. I don't want to start over (and have to do Long Beach again....) and I want to complete it. All 3 races must be done in a row. This is why I am not backing out of it...even if my pal Nelly has advised me to skip it.....:)
I have decided to walk it.
I will not do anything stupid.
I am preparing myself mentally for a PW.
Not easy.
Have you ever walked a race because of injury?
How was that?
I am sad just thinking about it but it is what it is.
The one thing that is kind of positive is that it looks like it will be pretty hot on race day so I won't have to deal with dry heaving and that good stuff.
I haven't had to walk a full race, but I walked a good chunk of that last leg of the Skippo. It's not a PW if you walk...it's a half marathon walking PR.
I agree with Kate! A walking PR!
My intention for the rest of my halfs this year is to declare them a PR (or PW, hello Wyoming) in some way shape or form. Join me!
I wish I knew more about your injury. I am fascinated to follow how you solve this problem.
I think it's always a huge sigh of relief when you get an answer as to what's wrong, even if it's not the most ideal answer. I love your homemade wobble board...genius! I remember looking at those when my foot was bad and had to pass because of the price. Never occurred to me to make on :). Sorry I've been off the blog radar for awhile...just a lot going on. Hope you heal quickly and in the meantime, enjoy that walking PR this weekend!
Sorry you've joined me in the pool running :( But hopefully some exercises plus a running break will heal you up in no time.
First, I am glad you just have tendonitis and that it isn't more serious like a tear. This time last year I "wogged" two half marathons before I actually went to a sports medicine physician to find out what in the heck was wrong with me. At first I thought I would be miserable, but I had good friends to keep me company. My "wogging" was actually more like their race pace so we had fun, took silly pictures and made the most out of the day.
Very good news that there is no tear!!
I am fascinated by your PT research for the patellar tendinosis. I hope you get some good advice.
Good news on not having a tear!~
isn't it nice to have the internet to do research on! sometimes i wonder how we surivived without it! Hope you get healed soon.
Good news, yes I walked half a half be cause I had not trained enough due to I jury. It was hard but worth it.
Run With Jill sent me over because I was just diagnosed with peroneal tendonitis. We are both on the mend!
I have walked more than one half marathon due to my calf issues. It is not as bad as one might think, it is just a very longgggg walk and takes a longggg time. My advice, use the headphones sparingly, the conversations that occur with the walkers are gems
I did not know this was your last race for the BCC. I understand why you want to walk it now. Keep up the exercises and let us know what the doctor says.
I've walked plenty of 5k's (dropped down from halves) because of injury, but never a half. But that is not to say that it can't be done, it is all the time and here's a recap of one woman who did it IN A WALKING BOOT: http://erikagerding.blogspot.com/2012/05/borgess-run-for-health-of-it-12.html
You can do it, just have fun with it!
I totally, totally understand why you want to do it. Just make sure you do what you say you are going to do and walk! It will be tempting to run/walk...very tempting. Take it easy and have fun!
I had to walk parts of the ultra last year, but would have been happy to drop out if it I didn't have to walk back to the start anyway. :)
I tried acupuncture for my knee issues but I didn't notice much improvement. It did feel a bit better but I was also doing PT at the time and not running more than 1-2 miles at a time.
Do you have a break in races after OC? Rest and backing off the miles will probably do you a lot of good- although I know you tried a bit of that before your diagnosis.
I saw your Instagram picture and totally agree with this being your PB walking! Although it sucks not to run, it's great news that you don't have a tear. Good luck this weekend, I'm glad you won't have to battle the hot weather and the run. Enjoy the sunshine and go out there and do it for all the people who can't.
Glad to hear that there is no meniscus tear, that is great news. Hopefully PT goes well. And I don't mean to be so hard on you for the race, I should probably have listened to my own body back in March and not done that race even though my body didn't feel perfect. So I would do whatever your doctor says is okay to do.
My husband has a slant board (same concept as the board on the curb), but I haven't tried it out yet... he loves it though!
I'm super stoked you don't have a tear! :) That's awesome news! :)
I hope your appointment goes well tomorrow! I'll be thinking of you! :)
Thank you for all of your sweet words and cheers this weekend! I am very happy for you that your knee injury isn't something more serious. Good luck to you in your race & decision.
Awww Caroline, merci pour le beau message...tu m'as fais sourire ce matin :)
Je sais maintenant que de la physio ne sera pas suffisante pour toi...j'ai hâte d'en savoir plus sur ton opération. :(
Bravo pour ton demi-marathon, ton pace de marche est vraiment excellent!! Une autre expérience de vie dans ton baggage :)
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