Toothache is my enemy lately...
So I have had pain in a tooth for a few weeks.
I ran my last half marathon with Oragel in my hand...
Last week I went to the dentist and was told I would need a root canal on my tooth who already has a crown...
This really sucks...
So the root canal was scheduled for March 15, that was the soonest they could take me for that. That was last Tuesday.
Saturday morning I woke up with the worst toothache of my life.
It was awful. The worst pain I have had...after childbirth..nothing can beat that I think...14 hrs of labor with no epidural...
I decided to go for my long run anyway....well that was very stupid.
Each step was making the pain worst. I stopped and called the emergency number for the dentist. I turned around and went back home. 3 miles instead of 8. Just great.
After a few phone calls I ended up with a prescription and an appointment for this morning.
Saturday was a long day. The pain was really bad; I wanted to pull my tooth out.
Yesterday (Sunday) was a lot better. I think the meds were helping. I decided to go to the gym and do the best I can there. I put Downton Abbey on and started.

I took it easy the rest of the day. I watched the Oscars, so happy ARGO won.
This morning I went to the dentist for my root canal.
Fun times...

After the root canal I had to drive to my regular dentist to get crown done.
It sucks because I had a crown already and now they need to put a new one.
What a waste of money....
After 4 hours of being on the chairs I finally went a lot of pain...
Wednesday I go back to get the permanent crown...right now I have a lovely fake cap.
I am hoping tomorrow I will be feeling good enough to go running...
Right now all I want to do is sleep...
but no can do...
time to get the kids, homework and soccer practice...:)
Hope you are having a better start to your week!
Ive been there. You will feel better soon.
The last fews days have not been very good for you :( I hope you feel better soon so that you can get back to pain free running. You are brave. I would have ditched the run all together! Take Care!
I hate going to the dentist. Hate it!
UGH! I've had 2 root canals and before I got them it was just horrible agony so I feel ya. I guess I was lucky though because almost as soon as I was out of the dentist chair I felt a ton better. I REALLY hope that you feel 100% again ASAP, like this evening :-)
That sounds miserable! But bet you are glad it's out. Get well!
OUCH, hope you are feeling better by now! I can't believe you had to wait so long for a root canal! At my dentist they do it right away, which is good, otherwise I won't come back :)
As much as it sucked, you will be feeling alot better soon
Does not sound like a pleasant experience. Glad that you at least got it taken care of before March 15th. Hopefully you feel better today and can be up and running soon.
Blah, tooth pain sucks and root canals are horrible. I hope the worst is behind you.
Bad period! I hate the dentists.
All the best.
eek! feel better soon!
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