We are having cooler days and I love it. By cooler I mean low 40s.
I am hoping this weather lasts another week for RnR Pasadena!
I saw these two during my run:

Mister goat was very friendly, came to me to see if I had food, the pony paid me no attention...must not like blond ..or my accent...
Today I did 4 miles in recovery mode...I had some weird knee pain...never had that before..it was sharp and I had to stop twice. I am hoping it just my legs reminding me that I am 44.
Yesterday I stopped by our Lululemon store..well it is called a showroom. It is very small and only open 3 day a week and for only 4 hours I think. I still have money on gift cards and I wanted to try one of their skirt to know what size I need. Of course they don't carry any in TALL. I tried a regular and I think the TALL would be best for me. The young gals who work there are a little on the "way too bubbly for me" side. You know the kind who will say "OMG you look so good in this!" just to make you buy it. Well that does not work with me. I told the one helping me that I think I need a TALL size. She replied "No you don't! it looks fine!" Of course she will say that because they had zero TALL in their small store. Anyway so I did not buy any skirt there. That store is very strange..they do not accept CASH for payment! Never seen anything like that before...a store that does not accept people who want to pay with actual money....
So no Lulu skirt but I did find a PUMA skirt in clearance online while looking for clothes for Bill. (no no he is not into skirts...!) I paid $17 for it! It is one with no shorties like a prefer. I like to wear the 5" Nike compression shorts under.

It is reversible!

It has a drawstring..bonus point for that!

I really like it...I wish they had other colors! Nobody sent me anything for this mini review I just wanted to share with you in case you are looking for running skirt like that one.
Race pics...
This is at the end because I have no handheld bottle. Grinding my teeth....thinking "Don't puke on the photographer"
Arm swinging action...and a not very convincing half smile...
Cute skirt! Lulu has the skirts in tall on the website every now and then...but, I'm sure you know that. They're starting to recognize me in my local store. That tells me I need to seriously cut down my visits! I'm with you on the bubbly though...would they ever really tell anyone they look hideous in something?
I am loving the weather that we are having as well. My long run was great this morning. The skirt is so cute. I think you would like the tall version of the skirt better so maybe you can stop there while in Pasadena :) Ice that knee just to see safe. I will see you in Pasadena next week!
Cute find I the puma skirt!
Super ta jupette, j'aime la couleur! ...moi aussi je magasinais les soldes aujourd'hui et je me suis gâtée un peu :) Ça doit vraiment faire du bien des températures plus fraîches un peu. Oh et félicitations pour ton rôle d'embassadrice pour Nuun!! :)
We have a showroom in Spokane too. Didn't know that they don't accept cash. That is weird! I only have a few things from them- mostly scarves and accessory items. I am a huge Brooks fan so 99% of my running gear is from them.
I agree that Lulu stores are a little weird. I'm so glad you were able to get a nice 10-miler in :)
I love that Puma skirt!!
Lulu stores, in general, are pretty weird. And they have a terrible return policy, so yeah, you definitely want to try stuff on in store. If you can gauge your size in store, you can order online and save the weirdo sales people. That's what I try to do.
After reading everyone's comments, I feel so left out...I've never been to a Lululemon store before. Wait, I think I just spelled it wrong? Anyway, I've never had luck with running skirts. I think it's because my thighs are like tree trunks. I saw one skirt on Athleta that I wanted but I was afraid to buy it since I couldn't try it on.
Yay for 10-milers!
And the Lululemon store in Boulder always gives me a "You're not cool enough" vibe, so I never shop there. I'm sort of proud that I don't own any of their stuff. It's overpriced anyway. I'm glad you found a skirt you liked!
GREAT deal on the skirt!!
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