I started this year with a 10K.
First time I was running this race and I loved it.
It was cold. Actually for California I can say it was freezing: 28 F !!! I am not complaining...I would take 28 over 80+ ANY day.
I changed outfits 3 times..before leaving the house. I knew I had to dress warmer than usual...but I also did not want to get too warm....I am not used to these colder temperatures but I could easily get used to it!
This was a small race..less than 200 runners in the 10K (they also had a 5K). It is organized by a local running club.
The location was beautiful. The course goes through orange groves.
This was before the start.
At first I was wearing a warmer hat and I decided to change at the last minute and I am glad I did. My toes and fingers were petty cold before the race. At mile 3 I wished I had gone with just one layer (short sleeve top). I thought about taking the pink one off and tossing it to Bill but I was not very smart and I put my bib on the pink top instead of the blue one. I did not want to stop and take the bib off so I just forgot about that plan.
Everything was great at that race. Easy free parking and check in and everyone was so nice. We got a long sleeves tech shirt and a nice medal plus the race had time chip and the cost was $30! Also a plus...REAL Bathrooms!!!!!!
The course was beautiful going up and down citrus groves. I had no race plan really. I know very smart of me. I did not expect hills and surprise...they came to the party. First one came pretty soon and I was not prepared for it and I felt the burning in my legs...

I felt pretty good during this race. I thought I was doing better than I was and every time I looked at my Garmin I was disappointed to see that in reality I was doing just OK
This is about half way on the course where my supporting crew was. Look how pretty it is!

The groin was OK. Stomach....hmmm all good until the last 1/2 mile....I almost puked right in front of my kids....had to take a couple of WALKING steps right there...I remember yelling at Bill "Don't take pictures of this!!!!!!!!!". As I passed by him I heard him say "You are doing great, I know you are hurting" Enough motivation to give me a push to run strong to the finish.
Getting to the finish...my paparazzi kids were snapping pictures with their leap pads!

I did OK..no PR but 5th in my AG (small race remember).

I highly recommend this race if you are a local reader..(hmmm Sandy for you). Next year they are planning on adding a half marathon! I will run this one every year from now on.
After the race I even had a FREE massage before we headed back home.
The next day my legs were hurting...and so I did only 4 miles. I am a little worried about my mileage leading up to Surf City. It is not where it should be. I have decided that RnR Pasadena is going to be my "goal" race. It is just 2 weeks after Surf City.
I have decided to register for the Fontana half marathon. $40 for a half marathon is hard to resist. For a minute I considered doing RnR San Diego instead (same weekend as Fontana). RnR SD is $110 and it also requires a hotel stay so I went with the cheaper and closer race. It is the race where I got injured last year so I will need to be prepared for the downhill.
I want to thank everyone who commented on the last post. You are all so so nice!
Thank you!
Really glad your groin is feeling okay! Congrats on the fifth place AG!
That race sounds great, and nice job on the AG place! :)
I can remember running my first trail half marathon and feeling GREAT, actually thinking maybe I was going too fast. So demoralizing to look at my watch when I finally hit a mile sign and realize I was going 12 min/miles!
So sweet how your family always goes and cheers. I'm jealous.
28 is cold even in the ne. I had a 10k too. My pace and mileage is way down too. Congrats on your race.
Awesome job - all your posts make me want to race so much more in California. Gotta love the home state!
Are you doing the full or the half at Surf City? It's my first full - would love to meet up if possible!
Can you believe how expensive RNR races are? Good grief...don't ask me how much I paid for RNR Arizona next weekend. I wanted an AZ race in January and the one I had my eye on bounced into February.
Nice job on your 10k! Every time you mentioned orange groves it made me think of the Disney ride Soarin'....I imagine your race smelled a lot like the part where you fly over the groves:)
One of my good friends is in San Diego and I still can't get over the temps ya'll are having! It was 72 here on Saturday then 20s yesterday and today- eek
Your race looks gorgeous- combined with the price you paid and ease of logistics, definitely agree its a must for you to do every year! Good job on AG place :)
Sounds like a great first race of the year. I'd take 5th in my AG anytime!! That's awesome! Congrats!
Great job on the race!
Congratulations on 5th AG! Small race or not you earned it! I am not a fan of the hills but if it is just a 10K I think I can give it a try. So you gave in to Fontana! I am staying away since I am prone to injury and knowing me it would happen! Surf City is coming up on us close.I am seriously considering the half :(
That was gorgeous, and I'm glad you got some temps that were more like those of your homeland. I too MUCH prefer cold to hot. Congrats on the AG placement, too--that's always a feather in the cap....especially if there's a massage also.
Oh, if I had the plane fare I'd be there to do a CA race in a heartbeat! :) I'd love to meet some of my west coast blogger friends.
It's the 15th...surprised you haven't run 6 half marathons yet...
That pic on the straight road with the trees looks really nice.
That is a course you just would NOT see in Oregon! LOL . Very pretty with the palm trees and the citrus trees. I do worry about the fruit when it's only 28F.?
Great racing! You have a good idea to put the bib on the bottom layer next time. Things heat up!
The boys' cameras are great :)
Top 5!!! Wooohoo!!! Congrats!!
Gotta love small races that knock it out of the park! Kudos to them. And congrats at the 5th place finish. That's awesome!!!
See, this is why I want to come to Cali to run! Look at the beautiful scenery you have there! You look pretty happy in all those pics! I wonder if you have to puke because you get nervous?? The reason I say that is because as soon as I know the finish is near, I have to pee BAD! It's nuts! I get this nervous feeling and that's how my body reacts. Just thinking out loud :)
Congrats tho! What a great bargain on that race!
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