Friday, February 17, 2012

Review and Giveaway

I was asked by the author to review this brand new running book.   I LOVE books, all kinds of books.  I have read several running each I found helpful tips and learned new things about running.  Some books are better for me than others and I think it all comes down to personal tastes.  What speaks to you.  See for example..I am a fan of Kara Goucher the runner but her book not so much.   Some people like Hal Higdon, others prefer Jeff Galloway..for me it is a mix of both I guess. 

I read The Ultimate Beginner's Running Guide: The Key to Running Inspired.  I received the kindle edition copy (which can be viewed on your PC, iPhone, or Kindle).  This was an easy quick read.   This book is targeting beginners runners but I think any runner can get something out of it.  After 32 races and 7 half marathons I think that I am leaving the beginner status and moving more towards the intermediate phase of my running life.  I wish I had that book when I signed up for my very first race and I had no clue what I was doing and most running books I read then were just too much with the exception of Run like a Mother the book that did save my running life or I should say gave me one.

The Ultimate Beginner's Running Guide: The Key to Running Inspired is written by Ryan Roberts.  From Amazon website: "Ryan Robert, MA, writes, runs, and edits in Alaska where his main claim to fame is being able to do all three at once. As a teacher and coach for a decade, and then a firefighter and trainer for firefighters for the Forest Service, he has learned what works with athletes, and what doesn't."

The book talks about just about everything related to running without necessarily going in great details.  It talks about form, motivation, injury, nutrition, training, what to wear.  One of my favorite part talks about getting past embarrassment and being self-conscious about running.   For a new runner it can be a deal breaker.   The book discusses not only how to get started but also how to keep going.

In the book there are a few training plans all for different kind of new runners.  Those would not be for me because they are made using time instead of distance.  I prefer training in miles not in minutes that is why I like Uncle Hal's plans!!

It is more like a discussion book than a technical book and I did like that about the book.  It offers good tips like having a running journal and also using visualizations.  That part is good for any runner at any level I think.

I love the section that talks about running in different weather conditions, lots of good tips for all runners.

One thing that is missing in the book are pictures and or illustrations.  In the injury and stretching sections that would be best to have some for the exercises that are suggested and also to show where are the IT band, shins, etc...for some people a visual is needed.  There are no mention of foam roller, I would have liked to see that in the book also.

Overall I think this is a great first book for runners.  It is a quick read, you can learn a lot without investing too much of your time, it is not overwhelming.

So would you like to read it?
All you need is a computer and you are good to go.

2 readers will win a copy!

All you have to do is be a follower and tell me you would like to read the book.
Winners will be announced on 02-22.


Teamarcia said...

Sounds like a great book! Don't enter me though. More chances for everyone else! :)

Amanda@runninghood said...

Don't enter me either but I'm super glad you wrote about this because I'm always looking for a good book to give my beginning running friends who are too overwhelmed by most of the training books out there and just need something that is easy to read. Thanks!

Emz said...

I don't know how to read. I didn't graduate from Duke. But I am fluent in pig latin.


Annet said...

I think I'd get a lot out of that book, so if I can be entered (can you mail to Aus?) that would be awesome. If I win and you don't want to mail to Aus, you could send it to my mom in Canada! :)
I follow you via an RSS feed.

mabel said...

I would love to try this book. After not running since October due to injury I am definitely back at beginner status. Thanks :)

Black Knight said...

Maybe I need that book when and if I heal from my injury.
I am your follower. Thanks.

Tammi said...

I would love to read this book! I'm in the beginner to intermediate transition and can take all the extra suggestions possible!

Unknown said...

Looks like a great book!

Barbara L said...

Hi! I follow you and I'd love to read that book. You can never read too many great running books:)

My Running Shortz

PS I live in Canada though, in case that's a problem re shipping.

Christy said...

Ooo pick me, pick me! I'm a follower! :)

Terzah said...

I am a follower, and if I win I will give it to my sister, who has been losing weight. I'd love to run with her someday!

Boston Bound Brunette said...

I love to read anything about running! Enter me please!

ConnieKay said...

As a new starting over runner this sounds like a book i should read.

Speedy Kat said...

looks like a great book...I would love to read it!

Penny said...

I follow. I would love to read this book. I just plain like to read books.