A year ago around this day I started making my video to apply for a spot on the NUUN Hood to Coast team.
It was my dream to do that race and to be on the NUUN team.
I remember how nervous I was during the days when we were waiting to find out who would be on the team. Every day I would go online and search for the new video-applications that were posted on YouTube and that only made me more nervous....I thought my chances were pretty slim. That is the honest truth.
Finally April 24th 2012 came. That was the day that NUUN announced the names of the gals who were chosen to be on the team. I still remember how nervous I was when I sat in front of my computer to check my emails. I was prepared for bad news. I clicked on my inbox and there it was; an email from NUUN with subject: Hood to Coast 2012 Announcement . I opened it with my eyes half closed....first word I read was : CONGRATULATIONS in blue letters. I cried. I was so happy.
You can read everything about my HTC adventure here on this blog. There is a tab that will take you to every posts about it.
I had the time of my life there.
NUUN is a wonderful company and the staff is a group of really fantastic people.
We have all said it many times; we were treated like royalty.
They could not have done anything more or better for us.
For me to represent this company is an honor and I am grateful that I get to keep doing this for 2013 as an ambassador.
A few weeks ago, I received an email from NUUN informing the members of the 2012 team that for 2013 they had decided to go with all NEW members for the Hood to Coast team.
I am not going to lie to you...I was disappointed. I wanted to go back on the top of that beautiful mountain. I had already decided what to do for my video-application. The main reason I wanted another shot at this was to go back to run my second leg again. Leg 13. I wanted to face my HTC demons...put the fears that comes back at times behind me. But it is not meant to be. Of course I do understand NUNN's decision to go with fresh faces. I feel lucky and grateful to have been a part of the 2012 team.
So now it is YOUR turn to try to win a spot on the team.
A few of my team members have posted about applying for the NUUN team and gave their advices and I want to give you mine because we were all so different people.
Are you a girl who loves to run and has a blog? If yes for all you are good to go.
So my advices are:
1. Do it. Apply. You will NOT regret it I promise you.
2. Make a video. Don't just write a post on your blog. Make an effort.
3. In the video be yourself. Don't try to be someone you are not. Show who YOU are, what is YOUR story, what makes YOU different. It is not necessary to hire Ben Affleck and an Oscar winning costume designer for your video. It does not need to be a super production. If you go with slides like I did...I strongly advice you to say a few words to the people you are trying to impress. It will be more personal and will show the real you more. Just my opinion. Show what this would mean to you and also why you love NUUN. I should have started with that...it is a must to love NUUN!!! Like Susan said on her post...there is no need to go all "OMG this is the best thing EVER"...but a little NUUN love is good.... "Pick me I am fast" is not a sure bet.
Speaking of being fast. I have already some posts about people who want to apply and how worried they are about their 10K split and the "competition".
Listen to me. This part is important.
It does not matter what your 10K split is.
It does not matter if you have ran a marathon or not.
It does not matter if you have been a runner for 1 year or 2o years.
It does not matter if you have a six packs...or stretch marks...or both!
It does not matter if you are 20 or 44 yrs old.
It does not matter if you have 20 followers or 2000 followers.
They are not kidding when they say it does not matter in the selection process.
It is true.
Look I made the team.
You don't need more proof than that.
It does matter why you want to be a part of this.
For me running Hood to Coast was so much more than just running.
Did I mention that Mount Hood is Paradise?...it is so beautiful there.
You will not regret it.
You will run in Paradise.
You will meet a bunch of great people.
You will learn stuff about yourself.
You will have fun...Did you see my van's video...here? (Team night van 1 will always be the best van ever...but you could be in the second best one this year...)
This was my application.
So did I convince you?
Yes...Good now go here for all the information you need.
Good luck to you all.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Good stuff
Ran a good 8 miles this morning. I feel some confidence coming back. I hope I am back on the right track. I have pretty bad shin splints this week. I wonder if this is because I ran on the treadmill all week. I am still looking for one...working on convincing my husband....
I have been testing bloglovin and feedly this week. I think the best one is the bloglovin App.
It was super easy to upload all the blogs I am reading on Google Reader.
I like that I can comment on blogs without having to open a different window and come back to reading blogs. I can mark the blogs I like that is also a nice option.
So I am now using this only.
Also I figured out how to insert pictures in a post while using the blogger App. I used it to write this post and it works!
My NCAA brackets have both exploded big time. So many upsets so soon this year! My beloved Duke are still alive and I hope it will last!!! I don't think anyone will beat Louisville not even Duke!
NUUN news:
The new flavored are now available. Watermelon is my favorite...I like the other 2 but they don't like me...:(
I received my new singlet this week! I love it but I would like it to be a tiny bit longer...Bill said it right I guess "you are taller than the average runner"...right ...
My NUUN ambassador profile is up!
I took my kids to the Griffith Observatory this week. I have been living here for 13 yrs and this was my first time going there. It is a free museum and a planetarium. The view of Los Angeles from there is beautiful! We saw a documentary about life, water, the stars and the planets in the dome; the boys loved it. And best part of this awesome place: it is FREE!!!
See the Hollywood sign behind me?
I have been testing bloglovin and feedly this week. I think the best one is the bloglovin App.
It was super easy to upload all the blogs I am reading on Google Reader.
I like that I can comment on blogs without having to open a different window and come back to reading blogs. I can mark the blogs I like that is also a nice option.
So I am now using this only.
Also I figured out how to insert pictures in a post while using the blogger App. I used it to write this post and it works!
My NCAA brackets have both exploded big time. So many upsets so soon this year! My beloved Duke are still alive and I hope it will last!!! I don't think anyone will beat Louisville not even Duke!
NUUN news:
The new flavored are now available. Watermelon is my favorite...I like the other 2 but they don't like me...:(
I received my new singlet this week! I love it but I would like it to be a tiny bit longer...Bill said it right I guess "you are taller than the average runner"...right ...
My NUUN ambassador profile is up!
I took my kids to the Griffith Observatory this week. I have been living here for 13 yrs and this was my first time going there. It is a free museum and a planetarium. The view of Los Angeles from there is beautiful! We saw a documentary about life, water, the stars and the planets in the dome; the boys loved it. And best part of this awesome place: it is FREE!!!
See the Hollywood sign behind me?
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Spring break, Google Reader and Treadmil
I am typing this post on my IPad. First time I try this.
I am using the blogger app.
There is no preview button and I am not sure how the pictures will show..
I see how to select them but not how to insert them in the txt...
If you know how to do this..please help me! :)
It is spring break here this week....this means running at the gym and also referring a bunch of fights between my boys....
I tried to find a way to run outside and I thought I had come up with the perfect plan. They ride their bike on the trail and I run. Perfect right?.... Not so much...one said ok and the other a big fat no.
So to the gym we go every morning.
I had not run on the treadmil in a while...and it was not so bad..I noticed that I run faster on the machine. I used to run at the gym at last once a week for speed work and I stopped after I got injured. Time to start doing speed work again I think.
While I was running I was thinking that it would be good to have a TM at home. Bill would used it and we could stop paying gym memberships....
So....do you have one? Do you like it? What brand is good but not too pricy? Where is it in your house? That is a problem..where to put it..cannot be in my room...that is on the 2nd floor...cannot be in the garage..too hot most of the year... I am looking for advices about buying a TM.
What do you guys use to read blogs? I am now testing feedly and bloglovin. I downloaded both apps. So far I think I like bloglovin better. I wish I could comment on blogs without having to open them in a different window.
I finished my brackets for March Madness...
I went with my head....and my pick won't be wearing blue and be coached my the great coach K.... :(. More like wearing wearing a jersey with a bird on it.....
I am including pics of the boys getting haircuts today just to see how it will look on the post..
Ok now I see that the pics are all at the end.
Anyone know if it is possible to insert them using this app?
I am using the blogger app.
There is no preview button and I am not sure how the pictures will show..
I see how to select them but not how to insert them in the txt...
If you know how to do this..please help me! :)
It is spring break here this week....this means running at the gym and also referring a bunch of fights between my boys....
I tried to find a way to run outside and I thought I had come up with the perfect plan. They ride their bike on the trail and I run. Perfect right?.... Not so much...one said ok and the other a big fat no.
So to the gym we go every morning.
I had not run on the treadmil in a while...and it was not so bad..I noticed that I run faster on the machine. I used to run at the gym at last once a week for speed work and I stopped after I got injured. Time to start doing speed work again I think.
While I was running I was thinking that it would be good to have a TM at home. Bill would used it and we could stop paying gym memberships....
So....do you have one? Do you like it? What brand is good but not too pricy? Where is it in your house? That is a problem..where to put it..cannot be in my room...that is on the 2nd floor...cannot be in the garage..too hot most of the year... I am looking for advices about buying a TM.
What do you guys use to read blogs? I am now testing feedly and bloglovin. I downloaded both apps. So far I think I like bloglovin better. I wish I could comment on blogs without having to open them in a different window.
I finished my brackets for March Madness...
I went with my head....and my pick won't be wearing blue and be coached my the great coach K.... :(. More like wearing wearing a jersey with a bird on it.....
I am including pics of the boys getting haircuts today just to see how it will look on the post..
Ok now I see that the pics are all at the end.
Anyone know if it is possible to insert them using this app?
Friday, March 15, 2013
Some answers about GI problems...a running movie...and DC
Thank you all for the comments on my last post.
You all made me feel a lot better about that race.
I am still sick...chest congestion and cough....it is taking forever to go away.
I ran twice this week...3 miles and 4 miles...it was not good...so resting today and hoping this weekend will be better.
I wanted to answer some of your questions about my GI issues...
I have seen a GI Dr a while ago.
I have chronic GERD; Gastroesophageal reflux disease (acid reflux). I take medicine for that. Unfortunately after Bill lost his job in September we also lost our health insurances. We got a private one that is not the greatest and cost a lot of $$. My meds were not covered with this insurance and I ran out before Thanksgiving. I have been taking OTC meds since then and it is not working as well. I still have about a month to go before we get our new insurance.
I have problems during the races...not during my training runs.
I always eat the same thing before running: dry cereal, a latte and water.
Before a race and the long runs I don't drink my coffee. I drink it after I run.
I also take vitamins every morning, vit C, vit D, vit B, Omega 3 fish oil, Claritin D if needed.
For my long runs and half marathons I bring water and one honey waffle and salt tablets. I don't aways eat.
I sometimes have problems also when I am not running. Eating something that is not on my regular diet will cause trouble for me but not the same as when I race. I usually feel the worst at the end...seeing the finish line often sends me in a panic...I don't know why...I want to sprint happy to the finish...instead I have to focus on not puking...and I am not really good at it...
You were all so kind about my pictures....it is true that I don't look in "distress" on the pictures...and I look happy. The reason is simple. Bill is the one who takes the pictures...and my 2 sons are standing next to him and I don't want them to see me looking like "death" so I put on a smile and I run when I see them. They have seen me in dry heaves a few times but most of the time I can prevent that. I am also truly always happy to see them...it always lifts my spirit! At the end of races it is when it requires a lot of effort to look happy for my boys. I also don't want Bill to see me at my worst because I don't want him to worry too much about me. Race photographers are a good motivation to look as good as possible....right...I mean I do have some pride!! :)
Have you seen this documentary?
I had never seen it before and this week I saw that it was on NETFLIX!
It is the story of Fred Lebow the founder of the NYC Marathon. What an interesting man he was. At the end of the movie we see him running the marathon for the first time with Grete Waitz. He was very sick at that time. It is sad to think they are both gone now... $%^#@ Cancer.
Yesterday I got an email from the fitness editor at Health Magazine about my weight loss. I answered several questions... and she asked for before and after pictures..and I might be featured in the magazine. We will see!
We have decided to do a short vacation this year. Bill does not have a lot of time off yet at the new job so we cannot go to Quebec this summer. The tickets are very $$ and going just for 5 days would be crazy. So we found a good deal on tickets for Washington DC! The boys are both super interested in everything that has to do with the Presidents..Jonathan read 4 books on Abraham Lincoln this year. I have never been there so I am looking forward to it. We are going in May when school ends. We will be there for Memorial Day!
Anyone lives in DC? If you have any tips for me..please share!
Spring Break starts in 21 minutes......wish me luck!!
Happy St-Patrick's Day!
Wishing you all a great weekend!
*** So Google Reader is going bye bye soon.... I added a new button for Bloglovin on my sidebar. I hope that if you follow me with Google Reader you will stay with me with Bloglovin! I moved all my Google Reader subscriptions over to Bloglovin in one step...it was very easy. ****
You all made me feel a lot better about that race.
I am still sick...chest congestion and cough....it is taking forever to go away.
I ran twice this week...3 miles and 4 miles...it was not good...so resting today and hoping this weekend will be better.
I wanted to answer some of your questions about my GI issues...
I have seen a GI Dr a while ago.
I have chronic GERD; Gastroesophageal reflux disease (acid reflux). I take medicine for that. Unfortunately after Bill lost his job in September we also lost our health insurances. We got a private one that is not the greatest and cost a lot of $$. My meds were not covered with this insurance and I ran out before Thanksgiving. I have been taking OTC meds since then and it is not working as well. I still have about a month to go before we get our new insurance.
I have problems during the races...not during my training runs.
I always eat the same thing before running: dry cereal, a latte and water.
Before a race and the long runs I don't drink my coffee. I drink it after I run.
I also take vitamins every morning, vit C, vit D, vit B, Omega 3 fish oil, Claritin D if needed.
For my long runs and half marathons I bring water and one honey waffle and salt tablets. I don't aways eat.
I sometimes have problems also when I am not running. Eating something that is not on my regular diet will cause trouble for me but not the same as when I race. I usually feel the worst at the end...seeing the finish line often sends me in a panic...I don't know why...I want to sprint happy to the finish...instead I have to focus on not puking...and I am not really good at it...
You were all so kind about my pictures....it is true that I don't look in "distress" on the pictures...and I look happy. The reason is simple. Bill is the one who takes the pictures...and my 2 sons are standing next to him and I don't want them to see me looking like "death" so I put on a smile and I run when I see them. They have seen me in dry heaves a few times but most of the time I can prevent that. I am also truly always happy to see them...it always lifts my spirit! At the end of races it is when it requires a lot of effort to look happy for my boys. I also don't want Bill to see me at my worst because I don't want him to worry too much about me. Race photographers are a good motivation to look as good as possible....right...I mean I do have some pride!! :)
Have you seen this documentary?
I had never seen it before and this week I saw that it was on NETFLIX!
It is the story of Fred Lebow the founder of the NYC Marathon. What an interesting man he was. At the end of the movie we see him running the marathon for the first time with Grete Waitz. He was very sick at that time. It is sad to think they are both gone now... $%^#@ Cancer.
Yesterday I got an email from the fitness editor at Health Magazine about my weight loss. I answered several questions... and she asked for before and after pictures..and I might be featured in the magazine. We will see!
We have decided to do a short vacation this year. Bill does not have a lot of time off yet at the new job so we cannot go to Quebec this summer. The tickets are very $$ and going just for 5 days would be crazy. So we found a good deal on tickets for Washington DC! The boys are both super interested in everything that has to do with the Presidents..Jonathan read 4 books on Abraham Lincoln this year. I have never been there so I am looking forward to it. We are going in May when school ends. We will be there for Memorial Day!
Anyone lives in DC? If you have any tips for me..please share!
Spring Break starts in 21 minutes......wish me luck!!
Happy St-Patrick's Day!
Wishing you all a great weekend!
*** So Google Reader is going bye bye soon.... I added a new button for Bloglovin on my sidebar. I hope that if you follow me with Google Reader you will stay with me with Bloglovin! I moved all my Google Reader subscriptions over to Bloglovin in one step...it was very easy. ****
Monday, March 11, 2013
San Diego Half Marathon race recap
Yesterday I ran the San Diego Half Marathon.
I am disappointed and frustrated and forcing myself to type all this.
EXPO Saturday:
It was organized. Nothing special about the Expo itself..well I did see Jeff Galloway again..really nice guy.
The race shirt is my favorite so far, its navy and pink! I love it.
We spent the night in San Diego and the hotel was just steps from the start so it was perfect.
I was still sick with a cough and chest congestion on Saturday, still taking Mucinex and Zicam and hoping that I would be better Sunday morning....Right....
I slept maybe 1 or 2 hours the night before the race. I coughed so much my abs were hurting (sadly I did not get a 6 packs out of this). I slept with one of my kids who hit me....14 times.
I got up at 5:45 am looking like death...eyes super red and teary...not the best for a half marathon..... Excuses?...some will say yes...me well I say it is what it is...what can you do...
It was nice to be so close to the start! The weather was PERFECT.
The start was super well organized..in the race info it said the start was 7:18 and that is exactly when the first wave went.
I was feeling tired and heavy...I coughed from mile 2 to 13. Just that was exhausting.
Many times I had to walk to make the cough stop.
The course was great, going through the nicest part of the town. I loved it but I could have done without the NASTY CRAZY NEVER ENDING MOTHER OF ALL HILLS after mile 9....seriously....it broke me physically and mentally. It was even hard to WALK up that hill. My hat goes out to everyone who ran all of it. I am not one of them. I did not see with my own eyes anyone who did but of course I know many great runners did it.
MILE 7: getting out of the Marine Corps recruit depot

The volunteers were great, they did not run out of water. My only complaint about this race is that I was stopped 5 times by security. In the instructions it was mentionned that we could be stopped because of the troleys at 2 different spots. Of course I hit that twice. I cannot be too mad because we knew it could happen. I guess it was just bad luck for those 2 times. The other 3 though....not happy....it was to let traffic go. Police officer was telling runners to "jog in place" WHAT? at miles 12 something.... I heard a couple F bombs from a few guys near me.... I was clearly not on track for a PR ..so it did not matter that much...BUT still.... I would bet that they did not stop the traffic for the leaders. Anyway...
I did finish.

Check this one...you can see me on the big screen...that was pretty cool..! And Rudy the race MC even announced my arrival...!
30 second later....disaster
It was ugly. I got really sick at the end. Throwing up a lot again. A medic came to my rescue and brought me to the medic tent. I was really cold. Usually I am very hot at the end of a race, this was the first time I was cold like that...blue finger nails and shivering. They took my BP and pulse and it was low. They said I was closed to hypothermia. After taking my vitals a few times and giving me fluids and asking me several questions to make sure I knew where I was and all that I said I was OK to walk to find my family and they let me go. The medic (who was really handsome by the way) helped me spot Bill on the other side of the fenced area. Really nice guy. I was freezing...took me a while to really get to my family because we had to go up and down a section and I lost them and I had to borrow someone's phone.
Bill had my jacket with him...thank God!

I don't even know my time...I know I crosssed just behind the 2:30 pacer and they started a couple feet ahead of me so around that... I stopped my watch after getting to the medic tent when the guy asked me if my time was slow or fast for me. I could not find my name on the race results online when they were up..later I found it..I think it said I was 64 yrs old and from Carlsbad and the time was 2:46 or something like that...and had the wrong bib #. I emailed them and I am waiting for the correction. It does not really matter...it was not good.
I am dissapointed and frustrated. All my recent half marathons have been a failure. I was either still injured and/or recovering from the groin injury (Long Beach) or under trained (Surf City) or my stomach was at war with my running (yesterday and Surf City were the worst 2). I am tired of writting race recaps that are negative and depressing. I feel like I am regressing instead of getting better. I am doing something wrong obviously. I need to change the way I train and fix my #$%^ stomach....that I am not sure I can do....I have not changed what I eat and drink before and during races and long runs. When I got sick it was clear bright yellow-orange liquid. The only thing I can think of that is making it that color is all the vitamins I take in the morning...maybe I won't take them before my next race see if it helps. Next one is in May the OC Half Marathon and then I have Fontana Half Marathon in June.
Thank you for your comments on my last post about what happened to my son at school. "Bob" got in trouble again on Friday...he was sent home for saying the F word and the B word at school.....
I am disappointed and frustrated and forcing myself to type all this.
EXPO Saturday:
It was organized. Nothing special about the Expo itself..well I did see Jeff Galloway again..really nice guy.
The race shirt is my favorite so far, its navy and pink! I love it.
We spent the night in San Diego and the hotel was just steps from the start so it was perfect.
I was still sick with a cough and chest congestion on Saturday, still taking Mucinex and Zicam and hoping that I would be better Sunday morning....Right....
I slept maybe 1 or 2 hours the night before the race. I coughed so much my abs were hurting (sadly I did not get a 6 packs out of this). I slept with one of my kids who hit me....14 times.
I got up at 5:45 am looking like death...eyes super red and teary...not the best for a half marathon..... Excuses?...some will say yes...me well I say it is what it is...what can you do...
It was nice to be so close to the start! The weather was PERFECT.
The start was super well organized..in the race info it said the start was 7:18 and that is exactly when the first wave went.
I was feeling tired and heavy...I coughed from mile 2 to 13. Just that was exhausting.
Many times I had to walk to make the cough stop.
The course was great, going through the nicest part of the town. I loved it but I could have done without the NASTY CRAZY NEVER ENDING MOTHER OF ALL HILLS after mile 9....seriously....it broke me physically and mentally. It was even hard to WALK up that hill. My hat goes out to everyone who ran all of it. I am not one of them. I did not see with my own eyes anyone who did but of course I know many great runners did it.
MILE 7: getting out of the Marine Corps recruit depot

The volunteers were great, they did not run out of water. My only complaint about this race is that I was stopped 5 times by security. In the instructions it was mentionned that we could be stopped because of the troleys at 2 different spots. Of course I hit that twice. I cannot be too mad because we knew it could happen. I guess it was just bad luck for those 2 times. The other 3 though....not happy....it was to let traffic go. Police officer was telling runners to "jog in place" WHAT? at miles 12 something.... I heard a couple F bombs from a few guys near me.... I was clearly not on track for a PR ..so it did not matter that much...BUT still.... I would bet that they did not stop the traffic for the leaders. Anyway...
I did finish.

Check this one...you can see me on the big screen...that was pretty cool..! And Rudy the race MC even announced my arrival...!

30 second later....disaster
It was ugly. I got really sick at the end. Throwing up a lot again. A medic came to my rescue and brought me to the medic tent. I was really cold. Usually I am very hot at the end of a race, this was the first time I was cold like that...blue finger nails and shivering. They took my BP and pulse and it was low. They said I was closed to hypothermia. After taking my vitals a few times and giving me fluids and asking me several questions to make sure I knew where I was and all that I said I was OK to walk to find my family and they let me go. The medic (who was really handsome by the way) helped me spot Bill on the other side of the fenced area. Really nice guy. I was freezing...took me a while to really get to my family because we had to go up and down a section and I lost them and I had to borrow someone's phone.
Bill had my jacket with him...thank God!

I don't even know my time...I know I crosssed just behind the 2:30 pacer and they started a couple feet ahead of me so around that... I stopped my watch after getting to the medic tent when the guy asked me if my time was slow or fast for me. I could not find my name on the race results online when they were up..later I found it..I think it said I was 64 yrs old and from Carlsbad and the time was 2:46 or something like that...and had the wrong bib #. I emailed them and I am waiting for the correction. It does not really matter...it was not good.
I am dissapointed and frustrated. All my recent half marathons have been a failure. I was either still injured and/or recovering from the groin injury (Long Beach) or under trained (Surf City) or my stomach was at war with my running (yesterday and Surf City were the worst 2). I am tired of writting race recaps that are negative and depressing. I feel like I am regressing instead of getting better. I am doing something wrong obviously. I need to change the way I train and fix my #$%^ stomach....that I am not sure I can do....I have not changed what I eat and drink before and during races and long runs. When I got sick it was clear bright yellow-orange liquid. The only thing I can think of that is making it that color is all the vitamins I take in the morning...maybe I won't take them before my next race see if it helps. Next one is in May the OC Half Marathon and then I have Fontana Half Marathon in June.
Thank you for your comments on my last post about what happened to my son at school. "Bob" got in trouble again on Friday...he was sent home for saying the F word and the B word at school.....
Sunday, March 3, 2013
So a bit of everything for this post...
3 out 4 people in the family are sick. I am one of them. We all have colds...thank God it is not the flu.
I have major congestion. I blame the crazy weather. It is cold then it is hot then cold again then 85...
I had to do my long run Saturday instead of today because Bill started to play soccer and his practice was this morning. Of course today it was about 12 degrees cooler than yesterday.
I was miserable for my run right from the start. I kept thinking of turning around and do the long one today. I would have had to get up at 5:30 AM. Was not sure I wanted to head out alone at that time...I kept going while thinking about all this and I reached mile 5 and decided to just hang in there. It was not pretty. I had some pain in my left knee. Second time this happens...it is like a pinching feeling...I don't like it one bit. It was hot...and it felt sluggish for 75% of it but I did not turn around.

This was followed by first day of spring training for minor league baseball for Will. He was supposed to play soccer but practices were going until after 9 pm and that is too late for an 8 yrs old in my opinion! So we are doing baseball instead. He is not the greatest at that sport so I was a little worried but he did OK I think.

Last week was report card time for the second trimester.
Straight As for both.
Will scored 100% on all his benchmark tests for the second trimester in a row. He is the only one who did that.
I am very proud of both of them.
We were invited to go to Disneyland on Thursday and because they did so great I accepted.
It was a short day that day..school was out at 1:30 so we went for the afternoon.
We got to go to the new Carsland.
It is fantastic.
This is the best ride ever... Radiator Springs. It is a race and this is the finish line. I look like I am crying on the picture but really I was laughing!!

PIXAR Parade!!

Because I am sick...still and also the knee pain...I decided to rest today and skip my 4 miler.
I have a half marathon this weekend; San Diego Half Marathon and I am looking forward to it and I would love to be feeling better by then...so if it means resting more...than so be it.
I have been pretty tired lately...something pretty serious happened at the school...not sure that story belong on a the blog...that's why I have not mentioned it before....but it has brought some stress and unpleasant conversations...I know this is not making a lot of sense but I can say my boys are OK and they did not get in trouble..but one of them was involved in a situation that is serious. Maybe more on this later...I would be curious to know what you guys think about what happened....
Anybody running San Diego?
3 out 4 people in the family are sick. I am one of them. We all have colds...thank God it is not the flu.
I have major congestion. I blame the crazy weather. It is cold then it is hot then cold again then 85...
I had to do my long run Saturday instead of today because Bill started to play soccer and his practice was this morning. Of course today it was about 12 degrees cooler than yesterday.
I was miserable for my run right from the start. I kept thinking of turning around and do the long one today. I would have had to get up at 5:30 AM. Was not sure I wanted to head out alone at that time...I kept going while thinking about all this and I reached mile 5 and decided to just hang in there. It was not pretty. I had some pain in my left knee. Second time this happens...it is like a pinching feeling...I don't like it one bit. It was hot...and it felt sluggish for 75% of it but I did not turn around.

This was followed by first day of spring training for minor league baseball for Will. He was supposed to play soccer but practices were going until after 9 pm and that is too late for an 8 yrs old in my opinion! So we are doing baseball instead. He is not the greatest at that sport so I was a little worried but he did OK I think.

Last week was report card time for the second trimester.
Straight As for both.
Will scored 100% on all his benchmark tests for the second trimester in a row. He is the only one who did that.
I am very proud of both of them.
We were invited to go to Disneyland on Thursday and because they did so great I accepted.
It was a short day that day..school was out at 1:30 so we went for the afternoon.
We got to go to the new Carsland.
It is fantastic.
This is the best ride ever... Radiator Springs. It is a race and this is the finish line. I look like I am crying on the picture but really I was laughing!!

PIXAR Parade!!

Because I am sick...still and also the knee pain...I decided to rest today and skip my 4 miler.
I have a half marathon this weekend; San Diego Half Marathon and I am looking forward to it and I would love to be feeling better by then...so if it means resting more...than so be it.
I have been pretty tired lately...something pretty serious happened at the school...not sure that story belong on a the blog...that's why I have not mentioned it before....but it has brought some stress and unpleasant conversations...I know this is not making a lot of sense but I can say my boys are OK and they did not get in trouble..but one of them was involved in a situation that is serious. Maybe more on this later...I would be curious to know what you guys think about what happened....
Anybody running San Diego?
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